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Aplikasi Office Gratis Untuk Macbook

Beli MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Atau MacBook Retina?

Mungkin beberapa calon pembeli Mac acapkali bingung ketika hendak memilih MacBook. Apakah memilih MacBook klasik, MacBook Air, atau MacBook Pro..

7 Layanan Cloud Storage Gratis | Bisa Komputer

Ada satu lagi cloud storage gratis, namanya Copy. Pengguna baru langsung dapat 15 GB free space. Kalo mau dapat bonus tambahan 5 GB, bisa buat akun melalui referral.

Softpedia - Free Downloads Encyclopedia

What's in Store for Apple in 2017. Will Apple dedicate more time and money to the cloud? How about Siri and the Desktop computer line-up? 2016 was all about the MacBook..